Refined Products and Crude

Pasadena, TX Terminal (MVP Terminalling, LLC)
- Located in Pasadena, TX along the Houston Ship Channel
- Storage Capacity: 5.5 million barrels
- Products: Gasolines, Diesel Fuels, Jet Fuel, Denatured Fuel Ethanol and Gasoline Blendstocks
- 2 LR-Class ship docks, 1 truck loading rack
- Waterside ship services are permitted, details are provided within the Terminal’s Terminal Information Guide
- Direct pipeline connections to multiple refinery origins along the Houston Ship Channel, Texas City and Port Arthur
- Supply access to the Magellan Pipeline Company, LP South System as well as Colonial and Explorer Pipelines from virtually any Gulf Coast Refinery
- Foreign-Trade Zone

Contact Information:
Marine Logistics:
Telephone: 713-353-8432
Marine Vetting:
Commercial Inquiries:
Telephone: 918-574-7325