Community Support Activities

Oklahoma Youth Expo -- Providing pipeline safety messages to the youth of agriculture and the importance of working together for a safer tomorrow.

Oklahoma FFA State Convention -- Proudly supporting the future of agriculture by teaching the safety of calling 811 and also how to recognize a pipeline leak and reporting it.
Muskogee Regional Livestock Show -- Providing pipeline safety messages to the youth of agriculture and the importance of working together for a safer tomorrow.
Breakfast on the Farm -- Wisconsin County Dairy Promotion Associations sponsors a “Breakfast on the Farm” as a dairy promotion fundraiser each year. It provides the opportunity for local visitors to experience a dairy farm and witness different facets of family farming on different types of dairy operations. Typically a different family farm hosts every year. A variety of activities during the event make it an ideal fun educational experience for families. The profits from this annual breakfast help to provide the resources to promote the dairy industry through “Addie” the Cow and to empower the Dairy Ambassador to provide FREE dairy presentations in classrooms throughout Sheboygan County.
Fort Worth Livestock Show
Houston Live stock Show
Illinois State Fair -- Illinois Bred Program Platinum Sponsor
Kansas 811 Run
Oklahoma Diamond Hats
Oklahoma Summer Swine Jackpot Series
Tri-State Rodeo and Livestock Show
Tulsa State Fair Livestock Show
Summer Spectacular Livestock Show Camp – Promoting Pipeline Safety by Supporting the Youth of Tomorrow.